Thursday, December 22, 2011

Curricula on men and masculinities: An XY collection

XY: Men, Masculinities and Gender Politics has posted a collection of course outlines and assorted materials from university classes in men and masculinities studies. There are some useful resources and ideas for further reading. Be sure to also check out the link to other resources (unfortunately, the articles are not linked to and many will require a university library for access).

Curricula on men and masculinities: An XY collection

Courses focused on men, masculinities, and gender are an increasingly common element of university curricula in such areas as Sociology, History, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, and Literature. Here, we have begun to collect examples of the guides to or outlines of particular courses. You are most welcome to add your courses.
Courses and subjects whose contents are available below are as follows:
  • Men and Masculinities (SOC350) (Michael Flood, University of Wollongong, 2011)
  • Special Topics: Masculinities (Mike Murphy, University of Illinois, 2011)
  • Global Masculinities (Mike Murphy, Washington University in St. Louis—University College, 2006)
  • Cultures of Masculinity (Anna Hickey-Moody, University of Sydney, 2010)
  • Sociology of Masculinities and Manhood (Sharon Bird, Iowa State University, 2005)
  • Sociology of Men and Masculinity (Stephen Kulis, Arizona State University, 2001)
  • Contested Masculinities (Amanda Udis-Kessler, Grinnell College, 2002)
  • Critical Approaches to Masculinities (Scott Kiesling, University of Pittsburgh, 2004)
  • Men and Gender Politics (Tristan Bridges)
See below for the collection. For academic discussions of scholarship on men, masculinities, and gender, see the references listed here.

SOC350 Subject Outline 2011.pdf375.89 KB
Bird, Sociology of Masculinities 05.pdf271.29 KB
Cultures of Masculinity - USyd 2010.pdf764.11 KB
Global Masculinities - Murphy, Fall 06.pdf245.42 KB
Kiesling, Mascul syllabus 2004.pdf146.7 KB
Kulis, Sociology of Men and Masculinity 01.pdf132.31 KB
Murphy, Syll-Masc (Spg 11).pdf141.14 KB
Udis-Kessler, Soc 295-01 Contested Masculinities.pdf135.83 KB

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